Saturday, February 18, 2023

STFU-N-STFD if You can't aspire to be JOHN BROWN


STFU-n-STFD if You can't aspire to be JOHN BROWN

Naw, I'm not talking about 'JB' of the '68 Class of 'Ham

Nor am I suggesting the grandfatherly image inferred from these pictures->

which don't reflect the fierce fortitude of the first picture. There's no 'Mister Nice Guy' to be found here. Time's moment doesn't operate on human sensibilities. It operates on the optimal imperative energy of the moment. It speaks of people equal to the morality, not the joy, fun, humor of the commentators of the moment. It speaks to those of the kinesis of the moment.

It's John Brown and people like him who acted not to be receive the applause or cheers of the apathetic dilettantes. He and those like him give themselves to be the Time's instruments. In  being such instruments they are a terrible reckoning force on the indulged, consumptive, effete, affected ways of contemporary social discourse.

Not so fast, 'Freddie' and 'Freda', of your sympathetic empathies, the disingenuous excuses for such militancy. Do not tell me of your associations of the past or names of friends of the present. When you find yourself, as was said in the gospels, "11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.", then you will have achieved that ahistorical transcendence of being the tool of the moment, than the tool of a cultural flattery.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

To muse or NOT to Muse..


In this homage to 'the Bard of Avon', I present this proposition:

All of our manifestations of angst and acting out are derived from the relationship juxtaposition we have with our Muse-Master/Mistress of our Sublimity and Horrificness. Those two qualities aren't for the moral 'sound and furies' of our pedestrian secularity. They are for the spiritual communion of viscerality and mentality combining in a confluence of energies that bring us to a state of personal fortuities and surreal atmospherics that affirm what we see and experience in our dreams.

That experience primarily exposes us to the self of ourselves we have little time to engage in even a mental dialog, let alone an oral one that would land us in restraints and medicated as a public safety risk!  In that 'risky business' we will know the feel of a vitality more than the mechanics we exert ourselves through-mostly for others. Because we do this, we don't know ourselves, thus don't know anything better for the self we don't even know.

Once we know that self than that mythical and legendary 'Paradise' becomes the love for the physical and phenomenological being that we are for Life-itself, than the cog-artifice of another's agenda.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Violence and Reason


Violence and Reason

Oh, how we are such disingenuous hypocrites about this!

We wag our tongues and shake our heads in equal disingenuousness on the consequences of violence, but think nothing of our own cajoling and pleading emotional extortions to influence people to do what we'd like them to do. The more brutal kinetics acts are the expedient 'time-savers' for those without the verbal manipulation skills, but the intimidating skills.



It's the level of comprehension of signals received that's dependent on the mindset of apprehension. The level of existence you have found yourself: as a pawn of others narratives; as a spin doctor seeking pawns; or your own rules of definition. They determine what you will apprehend and comprehend. They are tales of illusion of delusion from the mind being played by others, consciously; your experience, incidentally; or from your own neurotic psychoses.

Time's passage is the 'grand determinant' for what psycho-social category we've selected for ourselves. I can testify that my own "designation" came from a most round-about and contorted series of paths for which  plans-made would have sent me  only to some algorithmic, programmed mindsets validated by the smugness of herd consensual surroundings. Mine was an interplay of emotionally impressionable interactions that precipitated insightful perspectives which changed the interpretive perception of the signals encountered in my cognitive field. 

The details are apocryphally anecdotal and good for character count padding found with 'published works'. I can best describe the phenomena as consciousness molding. It started randomly, and as the random anecdotals aggregated to to a quantity which revealed patterns,  I apprehended threads of meaning. Those meanings brought me back to a misgiving I had as a child regarding the path of human social logic. It was a gut reaction, then. As years and the decades passed the observed and learned-of documented contradictions, paradoxes, and inconsistencies made me less reliant on the promotion and advocacy of the social order in place and open to other "assertions".

Those 'assertions' came in the form of the surreal and the incredulously marvelous. Those events made an indelible impression upon me for their symbolic advent as well as their practical fortuity for me in the moment. When it came to a critical head on Saturday, August 15th 1970 in the form of an exhortation to 'Do what I gotta do', I intuitively knew its implication would be shredding the basis on which my social (and holistic) focus had been based. 

It was only as circumstances limited my interaction with the general social dynamic that the resulting latitude in my solitude allowed for the freed mind space to entertain signals other than the narratives being propagated in the media and the pedestrian space. I acquired greater respect for the survivalist and their reclusive self-reliant creeds. Yet, I wasn't satisfied to JUST BE existing in the absence-of-noise. I knew there was some phenomena 'out there' that was implying another dimension of existence and consciousness. That consciousness was not bound by the temporal paradigms and protocols of cultural history and contemporary (trendy) traditions.

In shredding the basis on which my world view operated, the more incidental emotional and intellectual space of detachment and estrangement from the  immediate social bonds and their cultural obeisance was the emotional shock to my hormonal system. That hormonal system controlled my physiological response to the discernable changes and adjustments I had to make physically in my socially obligatory and discretionary navigations of the day. Doing that  altered my mechanical mental gymnastics and the over-all consciousness that rationalized that navigation. 

I was noticing the ever increasing disparate and comparative contrast between myself and others which declared for me that there was a subjectively unique perspective in which I was engaging. I knew the immediate compulsions for that behavior, but I hadn't defined for myself the path to the even more important goal, purpose and meaningfulness of that path.

As time passed, it was becoming clearer that an other human-agent or agents would not be the solution. The limitations for ANY one person to: 1-have that resonating intensity and 2-have the symmetry in intentions with me was not a practical or feasible expectations. This precluded, except for an improbable lottery winning probability

, that an acutely provocative source would be the 'answer to all my    angsts soul-mate'. As this became more decidedly clear, rather than accept the accommodation with the mundane imperfect, I made myself the contrarian  antagonist, de facto enemy of the consensus of temporal 'good'.

In that self-inflicted social banishment and exile from the social graces of my contemporaries

, I was left figuratively and literally with my dreams and their surprisingly subtle insights. As much as the acculturation and indoctrination of institutional and informal education influenced my perception and the derived  thinking, so I found in the dreams the analogies, metaphors, and explicit didactics which temporal experience had been as my instructor.

The dynamics of that revealed to me that 'reality' is found simultaneously in many different dimensions of space in the past-present-and-future. Most contemporary folks live for the reality of the present based on the rationales of the narrative manipulated past. Sometimes those manipulations are done from acute  provincialistic bias of the cultural history of the space. That cultural history for  them is sincerely accepted as the true purpose of the stated "facts", if not the actual facts, per se. Then there are those who cynically use others sincere belief as widgets  to spin a yarn of the reality they prefer that others believe,  for some abstractly anointed 'good for all'. Then there are the indifferent to 'the facts' but have ala carte agnostic use of some those 'facts' that are useful to them.

This next group that is nihilistic toward 'the facts' and anarchic attitudes and actions to either of the formerly stated orders of 'reality'.

I see reality as an ever-changing and evolving consciousness from temporal and  extra-temporal dimensions

. Temporally, we are mobile, tangible, sensory modules. Our sensate capacities allow us to receive signals. Due to historically expedient  needs, certain signals had gained greater importance and priority for their  immediate utility. That utility hasn't remained constant. The perceived increased dependency of need came from the over dependence of 'treating every problem as a nail, as if a hammer was the best expeditious means' than other options requiring a mindset that had yet to be developed to the point of utilizable appreciation.

Beyond the temporal and tangible sensory apprehended tools of conception there were more subtle and abstract tools of use. It is here where dreams provide the hints and clues of analogies, surrogates, and metaphors for the individual. In that space of detached estrangement one can see one's own mini-dramas by the cryptic analogies, surrogates, and metaphors presented in dreams so graphic that they could be holograms. Those 'holograms', set in the past, present, and future, are presentations of your own self, mostly [though other individual characters can be shown, absent your non-dream sentimental bias for-or-against them] 

Learning from the aggregation of these dreams over time has not only been a  curated, insightful knowledge experience, but a circumstantial fortuity of mentoring grace for me. I can only speculate that the fabricated ideations made by my subconscious for my dream protagonists are that each has their own energy. When I am in that frequency of resonance with whatever matching energy, it's as   much as the Earth's magnetic field shields its from minor extra-terrestrial disruptors, shields 'my worldly operations' from the worldly based madness of 'off-the-chain' caste operatives.

My monastic detachment and estrangement from their principalities and domains allows me the piece of peace to  have my mind recreate unconsciously and subconsciously in the relative drama-free dimension of Self. It's in our neurotically, self-comprehend apprehension and perceptual interpretations of our mind's phenomena generated snapshot reports of our emotional perspective of the world which allow us the incidental appreciation of the dimensions that co-exist with our pedestrian temporality

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Not 'The Apocalypse'. Not an 'Armageddon'. A Consciousness 'Rapture'-for those so graced

Not 'The Apocalypse'. Not an 'Armageddon'. 

A Consciousness 'Rapture'-for those so graced

It won't be a dystopian chaos. Though IF I was a deity, I'd allow it for it's retributive and vindictive necessity on those who've emotionally postured themselves to their intellectual 'tar-baby' web of rationales that give them their own smug, self-righteousness about their entitled and privileged circumstances.

It won't be an end-of-the-world catastrophe for civilization, though there are those of you who morbidly pray for such a circumstance.

It will be an escape rabbit-hole portal for a very lucky few who by the felicity of place and time and their own serendipitous readiness of receptivity to an alternative reality that would know that there should be something better than what's being served as our temporal option of existence. 

That rapture would be mundanely a disaffection, an estrangement, a misanthropic separation from the corrupting inanity and madness  that so dis-eases the bodies, minds, and souls of these times. It would be an iconoclastic, idiosyncratic practice adapted to the empirical sublimities of one's own experience, than the consensual templates of pre-programmed strategies. We iconoclasts and idiosyncratics, repulsed by the homogenized conformity to social or cultural thinking have found, long ago that there are things transcendentally sublime to the graspings of having or not having the transitory and often ephemeral  securities and comforts of the tangible beyond the basic necessities.

In constructing our aesthetics around those sublime premises, we built a channel into a dimension for which the propositions and exponations of those empirically discovered sublimities became a default spatial as well as intangible mental and emotional sanctuary of refuge. That sanctuary-refuge found its validation by the further insights for the more tenuous, arms-length separation from the social and cultural milieu's petty, toxic  trappings. 

Our appreciation of our spatial geographical and cognitive separation IS the 'Rapture' of "grace" that has provided the serendipitous beneficent alternative to growing cultural dysfunctions and unraveling of social well being.