the Morbidity of the obese heterodoxy-of-thought
(as it relates to the American political system)
The political system is similar to a hypoxiated organ system: the essential functions are starved of their needed homeostatic oxygen supply by the dispersion of the blood supply to the superfluous adipose (fat) tissues.
The digression into the sundry humanistic-centric cultural dogmas that have derived from the digression from our geocentric, homeostatic symbiosis has reached the dysfunctional point of pathology, which we’re witnessing from atmospheric, geologic, as well as human ‘extreme-events’.
Whether ‘fundamental’, conservative paradigm or the more liberal and progressive ones, humanity has created a multitude of branches from the original core channel of efficacy per our biogenic make-up. Many of those branches have little to do with the symbiosis or synergy of the holistic ecosystem for the political organism, but are dangerously cancerous and metastatic to the political body.
From the thinking that physiologic responses can be controlled by abstractions of temporal, secular, sectarian, or utilitarian convenience there’s been derived institutionalized operations and social mores which are dismissive of the basic primal functions and needs for having surrogate derivations. From limited night prowlings, group activities, physical training for defense, to basic standing, or even tribe councils and gatherings, mating rituals, and generational training; there has developed outgrowths of these functions that signal both the sickness and the insidiousness of the social pathology. The activities have made their primal behavioral origins seem esoteric.
It is this degree of estrangement from the origins that I liken the behavioral derivations to a vascular vessel so far branched from the artery that it as part of a cumulative aggregation of derivations that are a source of significant drainage from what could be part of the organ systems essential blood flow. As I have mentioned, the metastatic cancerous analogy of the growth of these figurative cultural and social tumors of heterodoxy from the essential, physiological function for the body politic, there becomes a greater probability for there to be a malignant morbidity in these hypoxic entities.
Especially where freedom of thought, that is also essential for having a variety of perspectives and insight, exists; there is enabled the same latitude for these negative branches of thought to grow. In the U.S. it was particularly so, since the regional development of the country across the continent fostered experiences and tales of the experiences that became the sentimental and legendary lore of belief. A number of these beliefs were illusory to self-delusional, but were shared as reality in their provincial locales and regions. These separate realities became the beginnings of the obesity in American thought. The obese thought became the center of the persona which would not accept the fat-shaming critique of that obesity of thought which was slowly disabling, if not morbid by starving the essentials of the politics of what should be a republic by the hypoxic drainage to theses regions of obese-and delusional-thought.
It could be stated that the anatomical structure of this republic already contained, constitutionally enabled, obese trends for growth. Those trends ran counter to the universal, equitable homeostasis of a fairly balanced order. The extension of time allowed its ‘constitution’ to give the obesity its time for being more hypoxic, until its developed, critical mass precipitated political, then a martial civil war which was a temporary reset. That reset being temporary, since it just restructured the obesity of thought, it didn’t remove it with the needed diet of equity in those obese regions of thought, which had their template metastases that existed geographically elsewhere over the topology of the spectrum of consensual thought. Not to go too far afield in analogies with obese morbidity, but the insulin resistance of discernment in the body politic due to the overwhelmed mechanisms by the flooding signals of heterodoxy escalates the morbidity of the hypoxia caused by the obesity of the accepted rhetorical narratives.
It’s interesting that the winner of the 2016 Election, Trump, is in a premorbid stage of obesity(-a symbolic sign about the country?). The latest revelations about the underhanded corruption in the Democrat National Committee to obstruct Bernie Sanders and other competitors for the nomination in favor of Hillary Clinton demonstrates the heterodoxy in the rationalized ethics at the DNC, that such was acquiesced. The GOP had their comeuppance for their heterodoxy by Donald Trump’s opportunistic weaponizing of the Republican dog-whistles used over the last two decades as he brazenly went where other candidates had allowed others to be the messenger, instead of they being the rhetorical provocateur; which was not beneath Donald Trump’s winner-take-all ethics.
The ‘Bernies’, other progressives-to-radical, and independent voters were also hypoxic in function, since they were so branched from each other to not coalesce as a subsidiary artery of, the main artery to give the body the boost of ‘oxygen’ to vitalize ‘the body’ politic. These groups mode of operations encapsulated their receptiveness to respond to the system stress only in their own obesity uniquely-fed structures that were an organic wall of obstruction for communication with those other structures in the resistance to the corrupted systems of the GOP and the Democrat parties.
In effect the cultures of the society, fed and nourished by ‘cells of thought’ that were no better than hypoxic contributions for a delusional obesity to the body politic that are over-burdening and over-stressing the maintenance of the sustaining systems that ARE needed for the survival of the national organism beyond this historical period of dis-ease.