Mutably Profane Existence/
Immutably Sacred Inner Existence
~50 year cycles~
50th Anniversary of the Spring-Summer
of Rach-el, Biblical: Jacob's wife,
described as being
"beautiful in form and countenance"
~ =Innocent Lamb~
~Allah = God El = jewish light god~
~Micka + El = Mickael ~
~Gabri + El = Gabriel~
~Isra + El = ישראל~
Yisra'el = “El” is Greater = Allah Akbar
“Israel” in hebrew is “Allah Akbar” in arabic. The Summer of the Dog(s):
Eating the B'rthday Cake
The babel of hierarchical paradigms of a top down organization for the distribution and exchange of energy and its by products (trickle-down), versus the lateral distribution and exchange of energies in a rising tide of consciousness (synergy) . The former being the hierarchical means for the reductionist, material ends; the latter lateral symbiotic and synergistic means of communication of energies that simultaneously, ala the proverbial ‘100 Monkey Syndrome’ is the distribution of tangible and intangible beneficence.
Life does come around, karmically, in circles in a 50 year ‘Jubilee Cycles’. In noticing the parallels of one’s life from one age to another in a similar cycle, You begin to know the algorithmic pattern of one’s learning-curve: acceptance-trust-questioning-reconciling-resolution, then back again to a lesser mode of acceptance, based on the reconciled resolution of the last cycle. Certain events have their mimicking surrogates so that you can identify those cycles and note the changes in your approach to the cycles.
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