Friday, August 28, 2020

In the wake of a Virgoan Advent (Twitter Posts)



#AndrewSullivan thinks order is the ends, per se. Yet, disorder is probably the birthing conception of a 'novus ordo seclorum', "new order of the ages". From the carcasses of the dead and dying past comes the vitality of the future..
Level 1: If I'm reading this right, Andrew Sullivan more or less declares himself to be a fascist here

 If even the monetarily privileged, black professional athletes are willing to jeopardize the basis for their lifestyle to oppose #Trump and his policy consequences, it is clear that they're saying, " Forget You! We're not taking what you're offering"                                                                                     Quoting Donald Trump, "I say *very modestly* I have done more for the African-American community than any president since Abraham Lincoln, our first Republican president."

We who have progressive to radical intents must move our asses and incite others' motivation to vote in all expeditious means available to us
To Beat Trump, Stand Tall for Progressive Values By Norman Solomon
CaseStudyQB @CaseStudyQB
CNN - 8/21/2020 - @ninaturner on what she thought about #BernieSanders embracing Biden #HelloSomebody
Non-social distancing statement for #Age-70:
Being 'snarky' and 'satiric' toward the purposely done outrages that sends #YOU_NORMATIVES to your #clutchingofpearloutrage would do more to undermine Trump's successful trolling of your civility-posturings.   Existence is predicated on the most efficient application of energy to FORCE change, not the energy's aesthetic design, primarily.
Representations by WE- of, by, and for ourselves-on open forums as this for info and data for our individual, joint collaborative, and common welfare; so we'd have our own resolved, altruistic efforts as our administration of equity and justice as guarantors of our liberties.    As our network cells seek to fulfill the role in local action where incompetence, cynicism, or self-serving intentions have not done..
WORD!: Material, as well as human, resource exploitation and abuse, by those acting with fascist disregard and impunity                                      
Demagogues: From McCarthy to Trump

Joe McCarthy's anti-communist campaign was aimed at destroying progressive unions and the American left. McCarthyism is the model for Trumpism. Larry Tye, the author of "Demagogue', joins Paul Jay on podcast. By Paul Jay,


Level 1: If motivating Blacks to believe in themselves & ability to pursue entrepreneurship, presented by Jay-Z and Pharrell in "Entrepreneur", within scope of ~The Hunger Games~, is the purpose... it's accomplished. But there exists something greater. And business/money is NOT the Way.


To Marco Rubio & GOP enablers:  Jeremiah 7:24-26
24 But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward.
25 Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day I have even sent unto you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them. 
26 Yet they hearkened not unto me, nor inclined their ear, but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers. 


Conjured energy by your conscious articulations of your emotional agitation; those agitations are the conjuring interlocutor--
CODEPINK  @codepink
Level 1: Israeli occupation prohibits Palestinians from: Building or adding onto their homes Tending to their land explains how Palestinians are restricted in order to make Israeli settlers more "comfortable." 
Watch full interview here >>










Jacobin-Trotsky Populist Harpy-@JacobinTrotsky
'Never expect anything good from an asshole' 
~Tiger-Year Virgo 8/24~ (nickel-n-dime me) 
'For Life and its Vitalities'


Friday, August 7, 2020

Time changes the props and their wardrobe...


Time changes the props and their wardrobe

To repeat its tales at the hubris of generations

The Metamorphed incarnation of the ‘Golden Calf’

The account of ‘the Golden Calf’, the worship of the tangibles for security, 

is probably older than this more renowned setting in the  Book of Exodus. 

The grasping and hoarding for the tangible is ubiquitously found throughout 

our species and our history. In every nook and cul de sac, provincial cranny 

culture in our world and its history we can find those groups or individuals 

in those groups where things and their trappings mean more than any less 

self-centered abstraction of alternative comfort and security.

Yet over the aeons we see the repeated cycle of the gravitation to the 

material over the more non-material, altruistic and selflessness ‘for the 

holistic good’. The settings change in appearance. The equipment becomes 

a reflection of the technological changes. Yet, the underlying character 

changes in only its expression, not its intent or selfish endgames.

Virtue, for the worshipers of ‘golden calves’, is a superfluous affectation 

or, worse, the aesthetics of the satiating aspects of the materialistic 

process. Those aspects of satiation are similar to the rights of devotion 

inferred of and attributed to those subjects who worshiped the 

“Golden Calf’ in Exodus. It arguably could be called a mania for the 

obsessiveness to which their lives rotated around the process of obtaining 

or have the trappings of those iconic trappings of materialism.

That mania is repeated through the generations, as has been said, 

Jeremiah 11:10 King James Version-10 They are turned back to the iniquities of their 

forefathers, which refused to hear my words; and they went after other gods to serve 

them: the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken my covenant which I made 

with their fathers.

What was held a scripture of legend is played out again and again in a 

repeated rite of passage of what we think and act as the needs of our 

inescapable carnality.


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