Sunday, September 26, 2021

Racists seek controlling authority=Politicians+"Law/Security" enforcement


Racism is concurrent and incidental with those who need controlling power and authority for their identity and [distorted] sense of self-esteem. It's not surprising that in any agency in which the expression of controlling authority is part of the tasks that you will find racists in those social gate-keeper roles and positions of authority. Politicians who make the controlling rules plus law and security personnel would be places where such types would be found ubiquitously. When a historical narrative, such as the conquest and colonization of non-Western European countries since the 1500's, it's easy to follow the pattern of authoritarian abuse over subject peoples that had its origins in the homelands of the conquerors and colonizers.

Using the modified cultural authoritarian tropes under which they had lived that they then applied and administered upon the conquered and colonized peoples, what is revealed of the incidents is totally predictable in its inevitable manifestations. We experience the political consequences of a cultural, pathological malady. The primary operatives and provocateurs of this malady in the aggression of control and authority have developed the complimentary narratives of social rationales for their existence and actions.

This is why those members of the Border Patrols, police, and other governmental security agencies do what they do with such unabashed banality of justification. Plus, that is why those personally or culturally sympathetic to their actions and rationales provide the social contextual support for the perpetuation of such actions.

What we, who have critiques on the character of racists actions so prevalent by those actors, their supporters, and enablers, give us good reason to categorize this country as racists since the gatekeeping and controlling features of this society are so littered with the presence of those controlling authoritarians whose actions are, have been, and would be racists in their character when dealing with subject groups who were placed in a subservient relationship to the memebers of that culture since their arrival and contact with this historically pathologically affected culture of controlling abuse of authority.

The mediating institutions, populated with those of the same or similar pathological attitudes and tendencies are an obfucating obstruction for we seeking a resolution by and through the institutions of which they are the gatekeepers.

We, must accept and resign ourselves that WE must take on a DIRECT action of intervention for the equity and justice we seek from institutions crippled by operatives function under the pathologies of their backgrounds. What 'democratic' action we take will be populous-based, since the representative forms are a futile, frustrating, and cruel bait held just out of reach for us to have anything more than incremental "progress" concurrent with the outrages and tragedies of we being collateral incidental to intended victims of the maladies of this pathological system.