Sunday, December 3, 2017

Soul journey of the Pilgrim's Logos quest

Soul journey of the Pilgrim's Logos quest

There is an experience that has everything to do with a phenomenon that starts with ghostly whisperings, that manifest later as irregular, but fortuitously timed, hints and clues. They are tangent to your temporal experience, and eventually they make that experience a near irrelevant prop for the advent of the validity of this no longer ghostly phenomena. By Its advent you, the subject, are drawn to its compelling assertions of Itself as more credible than the protocols of the contemporaneous paradigms in which you exist.

It is the idiosyncratic logos, which is the meaning, purpose, and duty for your being. It is the substance which provides the context for your perception and comprehension for that which is the imperative priority for your engagement with this substance of life. It brings you on a pilgrimage of revelation on who you are and to where you must go for where ever was your origin before your incarnation into this dimension of creation.

For this quest of a pilgrimage into the logos that defines you, any temporal relation, status, and title by blood, tribe,. ethnicity, region, or nationality are mere coincidences of time and space in a place that is more a stage for ethical choices and tests for you to decide if you’re ready for greater intangibles or will you settle for whatever tangible trappings have seduced you to a smug contentment of satisfaction with your present carnality.

This logos becomes a presence, and no longer a mysterious whisperer of hints and clues. Also, it is beyond any anthropomorphic identity of characterization. It is more closely an algorithmic element of deducible logic of karmic precision. It is the consequence of the ethics of our intent. Our imperfections and fallibilities of execution are forgiven for the manner of ethical means we chose for our execution of intent. This logos operates the equity and the balance of justness as its purpose, because we and all creational matter and energy exist in a balance of justness of necessity. Nothing is random or whimsical. All serve the ends of equity and justness in balance. Because of this, what humankind has usurped for itself as its prerogative of entitlement is as a renegade anomaly to this balance of equity and justness, and by humankind’s own hubris of arrogance, it is subjecting itself to the judgement of the consequences of its inequity and unjustness.

Those of us who have learned of this balance of equity and justness will be the foundation upon which the post-retributional order will take shape. We will be the table of elemental force that will be the creators of the more equitable and just balance of being...

As the world of humankind has its vainglories in the kinetics of the power of its mechanics, this presence exists as the irresistible and inevitable rectifying agency for all dimensions of creatio in which humans have claimed the agency of dominion.

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