I John 19 v.5
5 Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe.
And Pilate saith unto them,
“Behold the man!”
[Aren’t all our lives scarred by the emotional thorns of our experience?]
But, if we aren’t so absorbed in our dejection, we encounter portals of
redemption for ourselves. My dreams-and, possibly, your dreams-are
the tough-love, but enduring empathetic companion, which provide the
insight for our wearied self-esteem. My dreams were the ground-zero
for the experiences and the conclusions I chose for the direction of my
life path. In the end, they became the central core for my existence.
These dreams are the ‘integrals’, the genesis pathos, for all ‘the ‘derivative’ behavioral products of those ground-zero conceptions that I will note in the following texts. That these pathos came in idiosyncratic ways to bring me ‘kicking and screaming’ to the point of acknowledging this ‘reality’ as the valid origin of these inspirations is the point of this narrative. Because these pathos are now the catalyst of my every breath of my journey on this path of “logic”.
But those extreme behaviors, for which I am in a shamed atonement were not as mundanely and universally disdained by others as my being that iconoclast and not being ‘in an adherence of thought’ with the mannerisms and ways of my local micro-social provincials. Either by my verbal declarations or by my acts, I was the secular heretic.
Genesis 28: 12
12 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of “God” ascending and descending on it.
The alternatives to the divine creation stories of any sort- the molecular incarnation of past forms, or the GMO’ed descendents of extraterrestrials- have been part of our human ontological, narrative myth.
One narrative is that long before men could put their imaginations into written symbols and dissemination, there existed a race of people from the other side of the universe whose world was decimated by the ravages of their hubris. The survivors were seeking a new world for themselves and their posterity. They came across this out of the way galaxy, the Milky Way, and located this minor solar system of our Sun and this planet, Earth.
Garden of Eden-Genesis 2:16-22 King James Version (KJV)
But with ‘Alien intervention’, A few people believe that an alien race may have created humans from something like a chimp, elevating humans above other animals. If aliens created humans, they may have modified the course of life on Earth for the lifeforms already existing on the planet-as we have with our literal and figurative industriousness.
Genesis 3:1-6 King James Version (KJV):
I think this may account for Eve’s narrated role in the Garden-of-Eden allegory. For the 6th century BCE male, the females- outside of the “Divinely imposed” domestic duties-had the feminine greater tendency of intellectual acuity towards the aesthetic conveniences of existence than their more uncouth male counterparts. Eve’s encounter with ‘the serpent’ was her being made aware of what was more than for mere survival for sustenance and maintenance.
I’m suggesting that the intervening extraterrestrials could be the substitutes for the ‘serpent’.
The Horsemen
I dreamt that I was on the sidewalk in front of the side yard of my parents’ residence at 128 Cambridge (13210) with some people who were going to be traveling somewhere with me. From out of the bushes on the other side of the lawn, seemingly from no-where, came alien looking riders on large steeds. They appeared to be warriors by their dress and armaments. They came across the lawn onto the driveway and the sidewalk where we were standing. They just ignored us as if we were invisible or, more likely, insignificant.
~Revelations 1: 18~
I am he that liveth, and is dead; and, behold,
I am alive for evermore-Amen.
From those speculative options of our ontological and contemporary origins emerges a synthesis that accounts for the present, and maybe a path to our ‘true’ ontological beginnings. The heterodoxy of descriptions of our origin are the inter-woven strands of our past. That past is a weave of diverse thoughts and helps expand our perspective of the dimensions of our capabilities into an ironic ’singularity’.[1]
Singularity exists as an existential consequence [2] of that condition of synthesis between the thesis and antithesis. It is the inevitable, intended or unintended, consequence-the composite of incidental tandem incongruities to each other, but as different versions of each other.
Goddess Kali
We are the projected, arms-extensions of Creation itself, who is most closely represented by the image of the Goddess Kali. We are creations of outcroppings of that entity’s forms of its various configurations of its nature and qualities. We are witnessing the ‘revelations’ of ourselves in the singularity of this reality.
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
That agency of our temporal carnality is under the veneer of the skin of our “civilized sophistication”. Under that being of our social expediency is the realization that other than the “agency”, all else is a ‘sideshow” of pretensions. Those pretensions create the blind spots of human cultures. We’ve made ourselves the preening peacocks for whatever status we’ve accomplished in this rat-race. Too bad that ‘Pontius Pilate’s “Truth” ’ is just the sideshow of existence..!
Physical and Anatomical-Physiological Fitness
Our need for physical and anatomical-physiological fitness is so that the vessel-body is capable of being a conduit for those intensely focused emotional, ‘seismic’ and ‘eruptive’ activities. That fitness is as much for our bodies needing to handle the physiology of strong emotional pulses which would course through our body 12 , as our need for ambulatory and kinetic mobility.
Our culture has been diverted from these possibilities. In doing kinetic pursuits for the tangible components of a secular and temporal conveniences, then for the feral use of supplying the vibratory energy of transmission and feedback for trans-dimensional signaling: in the absence of ambient noise, we belabor the subconscious by those distractions 13 .
Having a Sense of One’s Unique Individual Aesthetics
Having a sense of one’s unique individual aesthetics, rather than being a product of a consciously-accepted, imposed aesthetic that’s outside your own experiential aesthetics, hearkens to the exhortations of the Bhagavad Gita 10 . In acting upon one’s aesthetic resonance, one has a stronger emotional feel of an empowered relationship with an entity than something that is externally alien to that entity, no matter how tolerably it is acknowledged.
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word
that proceedeth out of the mouth of God...”
As was said in physical and anatomical-physiological fitness “But [He] answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God...”
We’re not talking about the literal or inspired words from a divinity, but that which is subjectively held as meaningful as an idea for being is ‘the manna of vitality’ which expresses itself as charisma, allure, and aura. That subjective and esoteric meaning of “manna” for an individual is the ‘jewel-joule’ of energy related to the ontological force which began this epoch in its metaphorical symbol [of noise] in an explosive bang of insight and that extends organically throughout our anatomy.
1 Why Hierarchies are Natural, and Inevitable.
Laurens Martens: Extrapolist, philosopher, imagineer. <-2.See above footnote 3.Metaphysics of the genetic code blob : Communication through dimensions- blob
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Subconscious mind as a digital processor
Is it possible to use our subconscious mind to control a digital device? Doug Hilton. According to the best science, the subconscious is responsible for every thought, decision, and everything ever imagined. It’s a data processing machine and has no awareness. If it did, then it would be able to override millions of years of evolution. Such a species could never survive..
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