Monday, December 24, 2018

More blindly ignorant and in denial than Dr. Frankenstein

More blindly ignorant and in denial than Dr. Frankenstein
Video supplement

From the manifestations of an agitated 
to the reckless barbarity of human nature, 
it is so obvious.

You can’t play games with “Mother Nature”

with her geosphere

or her zoosphere

and not expect ‘the chickens coming home 
to roost’.

This is more basic than any biblical
 “Divine Retribution” of 
the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”,

this is the inevitable consequential logic of chemistry 
playing itself out before our eyes. What we have countenanced 
in the name of a faux-civility and 
for its material “benefits”

we have lost in people,
and institutions

by our indulgence of the insufferable which is allowed 
to afflict those least capable and 
most vulnerable.

This is the ‘frankenstein’ of our making 
as foretold by Shelley.

For the sake of our comforts and conveniences we allow 
this monstrous condition to continue to an even 
greater threat to us all, now.. 
Ohhh, how the Old Testament prophets would love 
to give damning curses upon us for this.

And unless it “better end soon” : 
in the way of the indifference to the destructive threats 
of this man-made mayhem is corrected, 
the monster will be giving the epitaph 
to this civilization.

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appreciation for this work may be done
by making a payment to this link at my PayPal account
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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

On what is "Virtue"??

On what is "Virtue"??

In the same vein as what Pontius Pilate asked of “Truth”, it must be asked of ‘virtue’. 
As truth is not the prop for those with the means to control a narrative, but the 
visceral essence of a compulsive effort of spontaneous compassion for more than that 
which is of a myopic self-interest. So is virtue, not a posturing virtue, but also 
a compulsive, autonomic imperative of an intuitive altruism of unwitting selflessness.

Virtue is the expression of selflessness for the sake of selflessness, 
“donandi causa donandi”. “Giving for the cause of giving”, per se. How often is  
that witnessed, or spontaneously and intuitively exhibited?   

Virtue is something in which we inhabit, as we are figuratively consumed by the notion 
of acting as if there was no other option except for that self-sacrifice: so that something 
better, maybe not necessarily, absolutely good, could have a chance to be. In doing so, 
we are an extension, an outgrowth of a feeling-a spirit-that is so compulsive that there is 
no distinction between that compulsion’s quality    and our own self-consciousness 
of our ego, our self-identity.   

Friday, April 27, 2018

Inseminating sperm of cultural imperialism - Classified Ad

Inseminating sperm of cultural imperialism 

Culturally-centric presumptions of immutable generality that lead to bias conclusions that f'ck-over others marginal groups and nationalities

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Conversation with Death - Classified Ad

Conversation with Death: 

In the hubris of our carnal presumptions, Death is the shadow we fear most as our existential stalker

Monday, March 26, 2018

Not being the instrument of my own destruction..

Not being the instrument of my own destruction..

The beast at the stockyard, with a nod to the PETA people and the vegetarians, are as equivalent in their pre-slaughterhouse doom    Related image, as we in our degraded physical, lay-pedestrian states Related image. The 'dumb livestock' we know are being harvested for consumption. What form of consumption are we-people headed for except as compulsive consumption addicts for the sake of consumption. Are we both the consumer and the consumed by the commercial interests as we physically and mentally ingest their products that are directly and indirectly killing us? Are we in as bad a position as in the Twilight Zone episode, "How to serve man" or the Charlton Heston movie, "Soylent Green"?

Just from the point of view of the physical and physiological consequences, not going into the mentality that enables those consequences; it is enough for me that there is a better way that what "The Market" is offering us as their consumers for our own morbidity.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

From: Gary Kohls


to Gary

Constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord calls for FEDERAL investigation into link between psych drugs and school shootings

Image: Constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord calls for FEDERAL investigation into link between psych drugs and school shootings

Powerful YouTube video about psych drug-school shooter connection:

(Natural News) A top-rated lawyer who has beaten the Food and Drug Administration more times in court than any other attorney is calling on the Trump administration to launch a probe into possible links between commonly-prescribed psychiatric drugs and the epidemic of school shootings.
“The financial interests of the psychiatric industry is to feed this drug industry,” said Jonathan Emord in a short documentary video. “And the drug industry’s financial interest is to come up with the agents to feed the psychiatric industry.
“The psychiatric industry, then, is endlessly engaged in identifying new disorders,” he continued, “which can then be treated with psychiatric drugs. Now psychiatric drugs are the primary drugs that are consumed in America.”
He’s right about that. In October 2011, Harvard Medical School noted the “astounding” increase in the use of antidepressants by Americans. According to a report by “the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the rate of antidepressant use in this country among teens and adults (people ages 12 and older) increased by almost 400% between 1988–1994 and 2005–2008,” wrote Peter Wehrwein.
By December 2016, as reported by the Scientific American, fully one-in-six Americans were taking a psych drug.
Emord says the studies show the number is higher — one-in-five Americans. And he believes there is a substantive link between increased psychiatric drug use, especially by younger Americans, and the rash of school shootings.
The attorney notes that psych drugs are known to produce dangerous side effects that include thoughts of and/or tendencies towards suicide and, importantly, violence. As such, “shouldn’t we expect aberrant behavior to be cropping up all over the nation?” Emord said.
The attorney added that it’s shocking there isn’t more outrage over the use of drugs even the FDA has admitted can cause dangerous side effects and the high number of school shooters in recent years that have been taking them. (Related: On the same day that 17 children were murdered in a Florida high school, almost 300 Americans were killed by FDA-approved prescription medications.)
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) International agrees.
“There is overwhelming evidence that psychiatric drugs cause violence. 27 International drug regulatory warnings cite violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis and even homicidal ideation. Individuals under the influence of such drugs and committing these acts of senseless violence are not limited to using guns are not limited to just schools,” the CCHRI said on the organization’s website.
The organization reports that “at least 36 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.” The result: 172 people wounded and 80 people killed.
The number could be higher; medical and psychiatric histories are not known about all school shooters.
In the video interview, Emord discussed his efforts on behalf of an organization to obtain the medical records of Adam Lanza, who committed the atrocious murders of six-year-old first-graders at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.
But state officials refused to turn them over, claiming that doing so would mean identifying the antidepressants he was taking and thus “cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications.”
Emord said that argument “is ridiculous.” He argued in a Freedom of Information Act case to see Lanza’s records that there were no longer any privacy interests among the concerned parties because those were “extinguished by the acts of” Lanza, yet the state of Connecticut continued to resist.
“Against all of that is this huge financial interest of both the psychiatric community and the drug industry,” he said. “If this did not exist, if there wasn’t this huge lobbying presence, I strongly suspect that the coroner’s offices would release the information to the public.”
He also suspects there would be investigations on the state and federal level. But so far, there aren’t any.

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Posted by the Guardian Sentinel