Monday, December 24, 2018

More blindly ignorant and in denial than Dr. Frankenstein

More blindly ignorant and in denial than Dr. Frankenstein
Video supplement

From the manifestations of an agitated 
to the reckless barbarity of human nature, 
it is so obvious.

You can’t play games with “Mother Nature”

with her geosphere

or her zoosphere

and not expect ‘the chickens coming home 
to roost’.

This is more basic than any biblical
 “Divine Retribution” of 
the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”,

this is the inevitable consequential logic of chemistry 
playing itself out before our eyes. What we have countenanced 
in the name of a faux-civility and 
for its material “benefits”

we have lost in people,
and institutions

by our indulgence of the insufferable which is allowed 
to afflict those least capable and 
most vulnerable.

This is the ‘frankenstein’ of our making 
as foretold by Shelley.

For the sake of our comforts and conveniences we allow 
this monstrous condition to continue to an even 
greater threat to us all, now.. 
Ohhh, how the Old Testament prophets would love 
to give damning curses upon us for this.

And unless it “better end soon” : 
in the way of the indifference to the destructive threats 
of this man-made mayhem is corrected, 
the monster will be giving the epitaph 
to this civilization.

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