Friday, December 29, 2017

Metaphysical channeling of the 'King~of~Kings'

Channeling of the pervasive and animistic cosmic presence of energy that moves the articulation for the interlocutory message

Full text->

Sunday, December 17, 2017

A cross interests of (f)actors

A cross interests of (f)actors
In conjunction with this post, synchronistically; but its appearance was in the predawn second dream 
that was the more abstract and unusual than my normal dream setting where I’m on some campus that 
is a holding area of dormitories for a diversity of personalities-as if we’re in a psychic recess mode from 
our incarnate existence; this second dream manifested itself. I was communicating with the invisible 
projected presence of someone I have known in my past. [...continued..]

Thursday, December 14, 2017

If there IS a hidden Extra-terrestrial order...

If there IS a hidden Extra-terrestrial order, rather than a Divine order of 'morality' 

The invisible hands behind your open, ingenious insights

Friday, December 8, 2017

Out-dated vulnerabilities of Tribal constructs

Outdated vulnerabilities of Tribal constructs

Whether family , locality , ethnicity ,
ideology , or nationality: the tribalism of those constructs are becoming the anachronisms in an age where loyalty and devotion are more mercenarily contingent  to the quid pro quo of “What’s in it for me” outcomes , than for the general welfare of the collective.

Traditions, mores, or laws of others means little to those who live by their own unethicalness and amorality. They breed and parasitically feed on the tangible to the intangible weaknesses in humans and their vulnerabilities. They are the formal and informal creatures of opportunism-the ruling law of their state of being .

Renegade Misanthrope

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

And now, when I think about the decline of civilizations...

And now, when I think about the decline of civilizations...

I look no longer in askance at the common everyday person and their flaws and imperfections, but see what they who have do... And I can not help but to be reminded of text of many years past that spoke of such circumstances..

And I know of sayings that apply to we beings as well as to deities..

But when they who have temporal dominion with such arrogance and hubris of themselves, it is well stated that.., even if ‘the foolish, consider themselves anointed in the entitlement of their prerogative

But those of power think that righteousness has imbued them with their status and wealth, in contradiction to the admonitions of old...

Deuteronomy 8: 11-20 King James Version (KJV)

11 Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day:
12 Lest when thou hast eaten and art full, and hast built goodly houses, and dwelt therein;
13 And when thy herds and thy flocks multiply, and thy silver and thy gold is multiplied, and all that thou hast is multiplied;
14 Then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the Lord thy God, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage;
15 Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint;
16 Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew not, that he might humble thee, and that he might prove thee, to do thee good at thy latter end;
17 And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth.
18 But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
19 And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the Lord thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.
20 As the nations which the Lord destroyeth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lord your God.

And so goes the folly of persons who gain leverage and power over others, believing it is from their being and doing, alone; when it is living in gratitude of grace the moment has given them to know and share from the bounty of their tangibles and intangibles

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Soul journey of the Pilgrim's Logos quest

Soul journey of the Pilgrim's Logos quest

There is an experience that has everything to do with a phenomenon that starts with ghostly whisperings, that manifest later as irregular, but fortuitously timed, hints and clues. They are tangent to your temporal experience, and eventually they make that experience a near irrelevant prop for the advent of the validity of this no longer ghostly phenomena. By Its advent you, the subject, are drawn to its compelling assertions of Itself as more credible than the protocols of the contemporaneous paradigms in which you exist.

It is the idiosyncratic logos, which is the meaning, purpose, and duty for your being. It is the substance which provides the context for your perception and comprehension for that which is the imperative priority for your engagement with this substance of life. It brings you on a pilgrimage of revelation on who you are and to where you must go for where ever was your origin before your incarnation into this dimension of creation.

For this quest of a pilgrimage into the logos that defines you, any temporal relation, status, and title by blood, tribe,. ethnicity, region, or nationality are mere coincidences of time and space in a place that is more a stage for ethical choices and tests for you to decide if you’re ready for greater intangibles or will you settle for whatever tangible trappings have seduced you to a smug contentment of satisfaction with your present carnality.

This logos becomes a presence, and no longer a mysterious whisperer of hints and clues. Also, it is beyond any anthropomorphic identity of characterization. It is more closely an algorithmic element of deducible logic of karmic precision. It is the consequence of the ethics of our intent. Our imperfections and fallibilities of execution are forgiven for the manner of ethical means we chose for our execution of intent. This logos operates the equity and the balance of justness as its purpose, because we and all creational matter and energy exist in a balance of justness of necessity. Nothing is random or whimsical. All serve the ends of equity and justness in balance. Because of this, what humankind has usurped for itself as its prerogative of entitlement is as a renegade anomaly to this balance of equity and justness, and by humankind’s own hubris of arrogance, it is subjecting itself to the judgement of the consequences of its inequity and unjustness.

Those of us who have learned of this balance of equity and justness will be the foundation upon which the post-retributional order will take shape. We will be the table of elemental force that will be the creators of the more equitable and just balance of being...

As the world of humankind has its vainglories in the kinetics of the power of its mechanics, this presence exists as the irresistible and inevitable rectifying agency for all dimensions of creatio in which humans have claimed the agency of dominion.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Exceptionalism of smug self-righteousness

Exceptionalism of smug self-righteousness

Whether wealthy or poor; no matter ultra-liberal or conservative: if you’re raised in the nests of Americana, ‘do as you believe’ individual liberty, you have some notion of immutable entitlement to what you believe. As much as the 2nd Amendment is to firearms owners, so is this ‘entitlement’ of ‘belief’. But ‘belief’ isn’t ‘fact’. So we exist in our own bubbles of contentment, or even discontent, because ‘we have a right to feel the way we believe’. And ya wonder how people like got to where he is. It was not only the audacity of his smug beliefs, but on the disgruntled, smug self-righteousness of his , who exist in their own cocoon of mythical beliefs of themselves and the . Thus falling further dependent on those beliefs of of a third party, than the empirical reality to which they are accountable. But such accountability, has always been conditionally dependent on where you exist on the socio-economic totem pole. The more external trappings-particularly tangible trappings, but also intangible ones-the more one’s ethics are based on an unwarranted entitlement than on the ethical merits of the situation.. But it matters little to those for whom only the illusions of myth and the delusions of belief are the tools of their perception.
is as much owned by the sanctimonious of the left as the deplorables of the right . Leaving as a nostalgic sympathy far from the present reality. All due to we believing we have the right to believe what we want to believe {but not against the EMPIRICAL FACTS!}

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Monastic focus for an emotional intensity.....

Monastic focus for an emotional intensity
which aesthetically allows for
an enhanced sensory processing

Psalm 46:10King James Version (KJV):

“10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” is alluding to the unagitated,sensory receptors of the mind’s processes.

The dispersion of our attending focus to multiple, sensory phenomena in our cognitive field runs counter to our primal design of passive total awareness by our own inner stillness so that we could notice the subtle, as well as the manifestly distinct changes in our physical environment. The stillness-having a void from any distractive, superfluous mental activity-of our mental attending- so that we allow for less background noise to compete and overburden our brain's associative processing of incoming data is the necessary component in the universe of our mind’s efficient processing functions.

Once we’ve purged our sensory apparatus of the trivial and irrelevant signals that are off-point to our maintenance, sustenance, and survival, we enable the more subtle channels to have an unobstructed and more in-the-moment audience with our brain, then being part of the refuse that is sorted through in our unconscious and sleep-dream states. The sensory receptor,s having an uncluttered field to discern, by what is similar to an ascetic, monastic distancing of one’s perceptual mechanisms from the random, human, social anomalies, field the natural signals of organic and elemental nature, sans the human background noise.

Those signals include phenomena which give clues and hints of what would be considered  marginally to unrelated associations of tangible and intangible being more symbiotic and synergistically oriented. There would be a greater resonance of visceral and mental energies that would launch the brain to higher levels of mental associations, insights, and inspirations.

‘Death’ is just our elemental, non-associated state as we are reconstituted within the serendipities of the biosphere’s reprocessing and replicating itself to meet the compelled imperatives of on-going recombinations that are happening. Thus, in those higher levels of mental association we perceive the seeming stillness in the geologic-biospheric rhythms which operate without the ‘editorial noise and commentary’ of human communication. It is purely actions and reactions existing in algorithmic pattern sequences for combining and dissolution.

In the netherworld of sensory receptive passivity ‘the truth’ comes to us by the inferential intuition of associated signals we get in the course of our system imperative incidentals. The truth doesn’t exist in our kinetic efforts of having consumptive sensory stimulation (to over-indulgence). It, the ‘truth’ is discovered in the jigsaw pieces that find their associative meaning in our prospective imperative and purposeful, continuing operations and functions.

The rhythms that carry those sensory revelations are the wavelength extensions of the last black-hole ejection of no-longer compressible matter cutting loose from its confinement like multiple di thrown forth from a hand into the space of time. We can be the latter-moment witnesses of those descendent waves in the near-vegetative, sensory passivity of stillness, characteristic of the stilled mind: absent sensory noise spectacles.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

'Cultural and Social Mental Abuse and Exploitation to which Armistice Day has become'

'Cultural and Social Mental Abuse and Exploitation to which Armistice Day has become'

                                           #Mass_Mania #SocialMentalAbuse

A worthy topic to read in these days of nationalistic, authoritarian, proto-fascist, neo-conservate/neo-liberal co-optating, patronizing seductive exploitative rhetoric for the masses and those, who've been by social structure, have been obliged to serve, as well as those caught up in the cultural traditions of the social mania to feel honored to serve the cynically arrogant, ruling the many in your usurped name and authority

-Guardian Sentinel

Sunday, November 5, 2017

the Morbidity of the obese heterodoxy-of-thought

the Morbidity of the obese heterodoxy-of-thought

(as it relates to the American political system)

The political system is similar to a hypoxiated organ system: the  essential functions are starved of their needed homeostatic oxygen supply by the dispersion of the blood supply to the superfluous adipose (fat) tissues.
The digression into the sundry humanistic-centric cultural dogmas that have derived from the digression from our geocentric, homeostatic symbiosis has reached the dysfunctional point of pathology, which we’re witnessing from atmospheric, geologic, as well as human ‘extreme-events’.

Whether ‘fundamental’, conservative paradigm or the more liberal and progressive ones, humanity has created a multitude of branches from the original core channel of efficacy per our biogenic make-up. Many of those branches have little to do with the symbiosis or synergy of the holistic ecosystem for the political organism, but are dangerously cancerous and metastatic to the political body.

From the thinking that physiologic responses can be controlled by abstractions of temporal, secular, sectarian, or utilitarian convenience there’s been derived institutionalized operations and social mores which are dismissive of the basic primal functions and needs for having surrogate derivations. From limited night prowlings, group activities, physical training for defense, to basic standing, or even tribe councils and gatherings, mating rituals, and generational training; there has developed outgrowths of these functions that signal both the sickness and the insidiousness of the social pathology. The activities have made their primal behavioral origins seem esoteric.

It is this degree of estrangement from the origins that I liken the behavioral derivations to a vascular vessel so far branched from the artery that it as part of a cumulative aggregation of derivations that are a source of significant drainage from what could be part of the organ systems essential blood flow. As I have mentioned, the metastatic cancerous analogy of the growth of these figurative cultural and social tumors of heterodoxy from the essential, physiological function for the body politic, there becomes a greater probability for there to be a malignant morbidity in these hypoxic entities.

Especially where freedom of thought, that is also essential for having a variety of perspectives and insight, exists; there is enabled the same latitude for these negative branches of thought to grow. In the U.S. it was particularly so, since the regional development of the country across the continent fostered experiences and tales of the experiences that became the sentimental and legendary lore of belief. A number of these beliefs were illusory to self-delusional, but were shared as reality in their provincial locales and regions. These separate realities became the beginnings of the obesity in American thought. The obese thought became the center of the persona which would not accept the fat-shaming critique of that obesity of thought which was slowly disabling, if not morbid by starving the essentials of the politics of what should be a republic by the hypoxic drainage to theses regions of obese-and delusional-thought.

It could be stated that the anatomical structure of this republic already contained, constitutionally enabled, obese trends for growth. Those trends ran counter to the universal, equitable homeostasis of a fairly balanced order. The extension of time allowed its ‘constitution’ to give the obesity its time for being more hypoxic, until its developed, critical mass precipitated political, then a martial civil war which was a temporary reset. That reset being temporary, since it just restructured the obesity of thought, it didn’t remove it with the needed diet of equity in those obese regions of thought, which had their template metastases that existed geographically elsewhere over the topology of the spectrum of consensual thought. Not to go too far afield in analogies with obese morbidity, but the insulin resistance of discernment in the body politic due to the overwhelmed mechanisms by the flooding signals of heterodoxy escalates the morbidity of the hypoxia caused by the obesity of the accepted rhetorical narratives.

It’s interesting that the winner of the 2016 Election, Trump, is in a premorbid stage of obesity(-a symbolic sign about the country?). The latest revelations about the underhanded corruption in the Democrat National Committee to obstruct Bernie Sanders and other competitors for the nomination in favor of Hillary Clinton demonstrates the heterodoxy in the rationalized ethics at the DNC, that such was acquiesced. The GOP had their comeuppance for their heterodoxy by Donald Trump’s opportunistic weaponizing of the Republican dog-whistles used over the last two decades as he brazenly went where other candidates had allowed others to be the messenger, instead of they being the rhetorical provocateur; which was not beneath Donald Trump’s winner-take-all ethics.

The ‘Bernies’, other progressives-to-radical, and independent voters were also hypoxic in function, since they were so branched from each other to not coalesce as a subsidiary artery of, the main artery to give the body the boost of ‘oxygen’ to vitalize ‘the body’ politic. These groups mode of operations encapsulated their receptiveness to respond to the system stress only in their own obesity uniquely-fed structures that were an organic wall of obstruction for communication with those other structures in the resistance to the corrupted systems of the GOP and the Democrat parties.

In effect the cultures of the society, fed and nourished by ‘cells of thought’ that were no better than hypoxic contributions for a delusional obesity to the body politic that are over-burdening and over-stressing the maintenance of the sustaining systems that ARE needed for the survival of the national organism beyond this historical period of dis-ease.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Back from 'THERE'


It didn't take much to realize why we HAD left with curses on our lips about the civilizationOther resolutions: 320 × 237 ....  The people were no better than their forefathers-just trifling indulgents. They existed in a caged mindset, no better than one would think of caged crabs-provincial captives of place and time . Existing in their rhetorical mantra of of circular-logic meaningRelated image.

So we left on the quest   for the sake of the virtues of our soul. Facing our worst fearsImage result for worst fears .gif    and glimpses of our best hopes , we soldiered on through the decades of ambiguity and doubt, until we came to that 'oasis of stillwaters'... Stone, Transparent, Water, ...  for our soul to feel some contented relief. And we gained strength in the knowledge of our contentment by those waters  of physical, as well as our spiritual revival. In jubilation we looked forward to returning to our homeland to share the news of this glorious experience. But, we returned to this fratricidal, Hobbesian, squabblingImage result for fratricidal squabbling . Each ensnared by the boundaries of addictive convenience, perceived as rightful entitlements; they were no better than the beasts in their confinements at the zoological parksRelated imagewhich presented an illusory image of liberty within the camouflaged walls of their emotional, as well as physical captivity.

It is then that we realize that leaving on that quest-to begin with-was more our souls seeking its own salvation and redemption in and by our original cursing-oath  departures.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Relay Network Conduits, primary; Logistical scavengers, secondarily

Relay Network Conduits, primary;
Logistical scavengers, secondarily

Consider this: that we are psychic conduits of reception and transmission as we receive and give telemetry along the cosmic radiational network. By the level of our uncluttered cognitive field, we are able to receive and give responses to energy signals which pervade space and its time. The energy signals originate from both the original birthing of this time sequence, plus the individual and aggregate, subsequent signals from that ontological source. That  reception and transmission is our primary purpose-as network relays.

Our secondary purpose is to be logistical scavengers for our maintenance, sustenance, and self-propagation. This is the role with which we are quite familiar since its consequence are the cultures, social mores, and their anthropological history. The sophistication of our logistics enabled the expansion and interconnection of the diverse logic strands of place and time finding their interweaving moment with each other. The process of that interweaving has precipitated the dramas and their ‘knowledge base’ which provides the context of our physical existence.

That context has become a heterodoxy of choices, which obfuscates the original, core function of our existence as receivers and transmitters. One might speculate that the context is a petri-dish of cultures which provide the diversity of options for not only the resulting obfuscations, but also the crucial insights for discernment of the function and the structure of being network relay responders and transmitters for those with a more cleared field of sensory signals.

As responders-transmitters we are part of the nervous system of an energy algorithm, which exist for-and-by its own structural design limitational dimensions. This energy algorithm which we call the ‘Universe’ of our cosmic existence has its main algorithmic base operational formula (‘base-ops’), as well as the near indefinite variations, branching from the base-ops; of which we are one of those component variations. Much like the branches, limbs,and twigs of a tree have some form of the energy being fed up from the roots of the tree, we exist on a link of energy, whose nature is determined by the nodes of whatever extension we find our existence.

As a reflective sentient extension, we have the capacity to back-engineer the structure of our existence to gain a cognizance of the proportional level of energy we have in comparison to the main root energy supply, and discern the means by which we may amplify our energy potential as relays and conduits.

First, we must minimize the unnecessary signal noise in our physical context, so we can be better receptors and have a more focused and coherent understanding and response to whatever level of signals that are reaching us. In “minimizing the unnecessary signal noise” we are obligated to focus on our attentive, interactional mechanisms and their essential or non-essential purpose to our maintenance and sustenance, PLUS what might be the over-emphasized replicating repropagation.

The over-emphasized repropagation has engendered a possibly superfluous logic stream that is both an energy drain and signal noise energy disturbance. The associated logical consequences to that over-emphasized energy drain becomes the ever-more obfuscating baggage of diverting and distracting signals from the root signals being discerned in the added cacophony of superfluous signals. The rectification to this would require a minimalist, near-ascetic regimen in order to purge the superfluous, frivolousness from the core functions and purpose for being a more-to-most efficient cosmic network relay.

Why should this be important, let alone necessary? The greater quality and quantity of energy we can process, the more affected precipitants to the structure of our reflective perception will occur. The affected reflective perceptions morph into different orientational perspectives, which allow for insight options that go beyond the presumptive identity of the temporal status quo and all its irrelevant, tangent, and superfluous cultural and social signals. We can then experience the benefits of the added physical energy and the options of acts and perception those added benefits initiate.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Karmic Knowledge's logical Leaps

Karmic Knowledge's logical Leaps

One aspect of karmic knowledge is that it presents extrapolations by which logical leaps of speculative feasibility can be constructed. Many could turn out to be rabbit-holes leading to frustrating dead-ends. It’s ‘the journey not the destination’ that matters. The enthusiasm in your vitality-the amplified energy-is THE compelling quality. It IS the navigational beam for your existence.

It is the signal from your core that you’ve come in contact with some force-presence that is compelling enough on a carnal temporal level to catch your attention. Many things on the carnal or temporal level have adverse consequences in both the short and long term consequences. This comes from not discerning the transcendent meaning which would take the perceiver beyond the more shallow, narrow, and self-serving interests of the signals.
Once the signal’s transcendent potential has been discerned; and realizing the resolution for the particular change in outlook and attitude, which needs to be achieved, You-the actor-are ready for the logical leap in the karmic knowledge presented to you..

This leap would most likely put you in a most uncomfortable status of non-empathetic and non-sympathetic regard from your contemporaries and ‘peers’. ‘Karmic Knowledge’ is a challenge of your individual conscience about the relative empirical veracity of a phenomena-be it either an action or an idea. You would be out-of-step to disaffected with others because of your perception of them or their perception of you. This is so because the karmic knowledge is based on your data-base value level you have developed, despite being in a social environment which emphasizes homogeneity and compatibility (for the sake of the social functions, not necessarily for your own particular benefit).

Within the course of your logical leap from the extrapolation of your karmic knowledge, you will encounter the fork-in-the-road options that present contentious consequences with contemporary ethics and morality. These contentions will be more about sympathy and empathy for what has been an expected and presumed behavior than the more obvious acts of mean, evil intent. In fact, the leaps of logic precipitated by karmic knowledge will have more to do with your on-going association of mind and body with what you had held as part of your identity and its origins. The leap will be seen as part of a process of your own metamorphosis from one cognitive way of thinking to something more alien to what you defined as ‘the regular course of things’ in the past.

In ways it will be a monastic conjuring of a stream of consciousness, which is precipitated by the acknowledged necessity for taking ‘the leap’. Temporal mundanity will be viewed as an obligatory preventative maintenance to enable and enhance your activity in this derived, extrapolated branch of consciousness you have chosen to pursue.

This compulsion is karmic knowledge’s way of revealing its operational design in your neurological functioning to you-the association of forms, metaphorically, beyond their use in their manifested physical application. Instead of any phenomena of knowledge having a static, immutability unto itself, it will be shown to be a dynamic of different dimensional possibilities. Those possibilities conceived are the possible leaps of logic relevant to your particular data base of karmic knowledge.

There is no stasis of maintaining a status quo for yourself. You the organic, sentient being of self-calibrating attributes are more than the mortal player within a historical time and place. You’re a relay point of reception and transmission, based upon your own cognitive consciousness. You are a ‘positively or negatively’ affected entity in this network of signal transmissions by how you respond to the ‘updates’ and ‘upgrades’ available to your carnal and temporal status by your honest discernment and acknowledgement of those empirical phenomena, which come to your attention-by conscious sensory stimulants or the meta-states of dreams and satori inspiration, makinging you liable and accountable for your response or nonresponse to the subtle, exponential accretions to the dimensions of your cognitive capabilities by the leaps of logic via karmic knowledge.