Monday, October 9, 2017

Relay Network Conduits, primary; Logistical scavengers, secondarily

Relay Network Conduits, primary;
Logistical scavengers, secondarily

Consider this: that we are psychic conduits of reception and transmission as we receive and give telemetry along the cosmic radiational network. By the level of our uncluttered cognitive field, we are able to receive and give responses to energy signals which pervade space and its time. The energy signals originate from both the original birthing of this time sequence, plus the individual and aggregate, subsequent signals from that ontological source. That  reception and transmission is our primary purpose-as network relays.

Our secondary purpose is to be logistical scavengers for our maintenance, sustenance, and self-propagation. This is the role with which we are quite familiar since its consequence are the cultures, social mores, and their anthropological history. The sophistication of our logistics enabled the expansion and interconnection of the diverse logic strands of place and time finding their interweaving moment with each other. The process of that interweaving has precipitated the dramas and their ‘knowledge base’ which provides the context of our physical existence.

That context has become a heterodoxy of choices, which obfuscates the original, core function of our existence as receivers and transmitters. One might speculate that the context is a petri-dish of cultures which provide the diversity of options for not only the resulting obfuscations, but also the crucial insights for discernment of the function and the structure of being network relay responders and transmitters for those with a more cleared field of sensory signals.

As responders-transmitters we are part of the nervous system of an energy algorithm, which exist for-and-by its own structural design limitational dimensions. This energy algorithm which we call the ‘Universe’ of our cosmic existence has its main algorithmic base operational formula (‘base-ops’), as well as the near indefinite variations, branching from the base-ops; of which we are one of those component variations. Much like the branches, limbs,and twigs of a tree have some form of the energy being fed up from the roots of the tree, we exist on a link of energy, whose nature is determined by the nodes of whatever extension we find our existence.

As a reflective sentient extension, we have the capacity to back-engineer the structure of our existence to gain a cognizance of the proportional level of energy we have in comparison to the main root energy supply, and discern the means by which we may amplify our energy potential as relays and conduits.

First, we must minimize the unnecessary signal noise in our physical context, so we can be better receptors and have a more focused and coherent understanding and response to whatever level of signals that are reaching us. In “minimizing the unnecessary signal noise” we are obligated to focus on our attentive, interactional mechanisms and their essential or non-essential purpose to our maintenance and sustenance, PLUS what might be the over-emphasized replicating repropagation.

The over-emphasized repropagation has engendered a possibly superfluous logic stream that is both an energy drain and signal noise energy disturbance. The associated logical consequences to that over-emphasized energy drain becomes the ever-more obfuscating baggage of diverting and distracting signals from the root signals being discerned in the added cacophony of superfluous signals. The rectification to this would require a minimalist, near-ascetic regimen in order to purge the superfluous, frivolousness from the core functions and purpose for being a more-to-most efficient cosmic network relay.

Why should this be important, let alone necessary? The greater quality and quantity of energy we can process, the more affected precipitants to the structure of our reflective perception will occur. The affected reflective perceptions morph into different orientational perspectives, which allow for insight options that go beyond the presumptive identity of the temporal status quo and all its irrelevant, tangent, and superfluous cultural and social signals. We can then experience the benefits of the added physical energy and the options of acts and perception those added benefits initiate.

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